Library Mission
The mission of Dulany Library is to provide the information resources, support services, and facilities necessary to help achieve the educational mission of William Woods University.
Library Goals
- Establish the library as an integral component of the educational mission of the institution, encouraging the development of scholarly and life-long learning skills.
- Provide a trained, professionally supervised staff to guide collection development, information literacy instruction, and the organization, preparation, and circulation of library materials.
- Create a welcoming, safe, and comfortable environment for all library users, providing a positive experience through personal interaction with staff and well-maintained physical facilities and equipment.
- Develop and promote programming, exhibits, and points of engagement which highlight diversity of voice and identity in our collections and align with the library's diversity, equity, and inclusion values.
- Select, acquire, and maintain information resources in support of the current and anticipated instructional and research needs of the university in a variety of formats and at different ability levels.
- Secure and preserve the Library’s collections so that the institution’s investment is maintained.
- Develop and promote a program of information literacy.
- Develop and promote cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with other libraries on regional, state, and national levels, especially in the areas of reciprocal sharing of library resources and acquisition of electronic resources.
Building Use Policy
Dulany Library serves WWU students, faculty, and staff. The building is also open to the general public during business hours. All library visitors are accountable to the policies established by Campus Safety and the codes of conduct in the Student Handbook.
To ensure a pleasant and safe environment conducive to research and study, the Library has established the following policies regarding the use of its facilities and collections.
Cell Phones
To preserve a quiet environment in study areas, the Library requires library users to set cell phones on silent or vibrate. Cell phone conversations should be conducted in unoccupied areas or outside the library.
Food and Drink
Drinks with lids are allowed in the library. Food is allowed in moderation and if not disruptive to others. Visitors are responsible for their drinks and food, and cleaning their space. Eating is not allowed at computer workstations.
Disruptive Behavior
Behavior that interferes with the appropriate use of the Library is not permitted. This includes excessive noise, altercations, theft, vandalism, inappropriate sexual behavior, and harassment of any kind. All such activities should be reported immediately to the Circulation Desk, who will contact Campus Safety. Patrons identified as disruptive will be subject to sanctions, including possible expulsion from the Library or other University disciplinary action.
Computer Workstations
Academic work has priority and use is limited to one hour if others are waiting. Use of the computers is restricted to WWU faculty, staff, and students. Use of University workstations and networks is also governed by the Terms of Use established by University Information Technology.
All patrons using Internet resources are expected to show common courtesy and respect for both the privacy and sensibility of others since it is not possible to prevent other library patrons from observing online information or images. Patrons are responsible for compliance with the University’s Title IX policies.
Library Auditorium
The Library Auditorium may be used by WWU faculty and staff for instructional or university-related events and meetings. Student groups may also use the Library Auditorium for campus-related events and meetings. Reservations must be made according to University procedure prior to use.
For approved events occurring when the library is closed, event sponsors are responsible for notifying the Library Director of the event, contacting Campus Safety for access to the building, supervising the library during the event, and contacting Campus Safety to secure the building after the event.
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center is under the supervision of the Director of Advising.
Academic or library-related announcements may be posted on the bulletin board adjacent to the Circulation Desk, to the left of the front exit. All announcements on this board must be dated and approved by Library staff. No notices are to be taped to doors, windows, or walls. Personal notes and/or announcements are not allowed.
The telephone at the Circulation Desk may only be used for approved internal calls or Emergency calls.
Solicitation is not permitted.
Defacing the Library and Its Materials, Equipment, and Furniture
Defacing materials, tampering with computers, or defacing equipment, furniture, or the building itself is prohibited and is punishable under Missouri State law.
Smoking, smokeless tobacco, and vaping are prohibited.
Guns or any other weapons are strictly prohibited and may not be brought into Dulany Library.
Children are welcome, but those under 14 must have adult supervision at all times. Unsupervised children will be asked to leave the library.
Emergency Alarms
All patrons and staff should respond to all fire alarms by immediately exiting the building via the nearest emergency exit and proceeding to the designated gathering area. In the event of a tornado, all patrons and staff should immediately move to the basement of the library in an area away from windows.
The Library’s goal is always to optimize the safety and security of its users and staff. All statutes, regulations, and laws governing safety and behavior in a facility of the State of Missouri and William Woods University will apply, as understood by Library and University staff. Emergencies should be reported immediately to Library staff.
Circulation Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the terms, responsibilities, and conditions under which all types of materials owned by William Woods University may be borrowed from Dulany Library. It also includes the terms and responsibilities for materials borrowed from other libraries, including online patron-initiated borrowing through MOBIUS consortium union catalog or interlibrary loan by WWU faculty, staff and students.
Eligible Borrowers
- Current WWU employees, including administrators, faculty, and staff
- Currently enrolled students in WWU on-campus, off-campus, and online academic programs
- WWU Faculty Emeriti
All other potential borrowers must request items from William Woods University through their local public library or the library at the academic institution with which they are affiliated using approved interlibrary loan protocols. Citizens of Fulton and Callaway County may borrow WWU library materials through the Fulton Public Library. Anyone may use library materials, excluding databases, within the library.
Identification Cards
Students must present a valid William Woods University student ID card in order to check out library materials. Responsibility for all loans rests with the owner of the card presented.
Faculty and staff should present a valid WWU employee ID card in order to borrow library materials; in lieu of a valid ID, library staff may allow faculty and staff they know or can otherwise identify to be looked up by name or employee ID number.
Faculty, staff and student ID cards may be issued by the University in physical and/or digital form. Both forms are accepted by the Library.
Library staff will verify that the ID card matches the person presenting it and reserve the right to refuse loan of materials when there is any question as to whether or not the ID card matches the person presenting it.
Loan Periods
Loan periods vary by patron type, material type, material location, and other variables, such as recalls. Below are some of the loan periods for commonly used items.
- Books: 30 days
- DVDs: 7 days
- Equipment: 1-7 days
If the number of days left in the current semester are fewer than the regular loan period, the loan period is for the number of days left in the current semester; the items are due on the last day of the semester by library closing.
Items borrowed through interlibrary loan from non-MOBIUS libraries have loan periods determined by the lending library; these will vary from library to library but will be clearly marked on the items.
Items in the Library’s Periodical collection do not circulate and must be used in the library.
Most circulating items can be renewed (checked out for another loan period) by bringing the items to Dulany Library, calling the Library at 573-592-4289, or logging into your online account on the library catalog to self-renew. Usually, only one or two renewals are allowed. However, an item cannot be renewed if another library patron has placed a hold on the item or, for items borrowed through interlibrary loan, if the lending library chooses not to renew the item.
Course Reserves
Faculty may place items on reserve at the Circulation Desk. Reserve items may be from the library’s collection or personal copies. Note that personal copies placed on reserve will be physically processed for circulation. The loan period of reserve items is determined by the faculty member placing them. Possible loan periods for reserve items include: Library Use Only, Overnight, 1/2/3/7 Days.
If the library is closed on the date/hour the item would normally be due, the date due is “bumped” to the next day the library is open and the time due is one hour after the scheduled opening time.
Overdue, Lost, or Damaged Items
Overdue Items
Items Patrons who do not return Library materials by the due date will be sent two automated overdue notices by the library. The first notice is sent after an item is one day overdue and a second notice is sent after an item is eight days overdue.
Dulany Library does not charge fines for overdue items except for reserve items and equipment. The overdue fines for reserve items and equipment are $1 per hour for loan periods less than 7 days and $5 per day for loan periods of 7 days or more. The fine begins accruing 1 minute after the item was due; it is not prorated for time periods of less than one hour.
Fines must be paid at the Library’s Circulation Desk either by check (to William Woods Library) or in cash. All library borrowing privileges are suspended until fines for overdue items are resolved.
If a reserve item or piece of equipment is determined to be lost, a student will be charged the replacement cost instead of the overdue fine.
Lost Items
Items that are not returned after the library has issued two overdue notices are considered lost. The library sends a bill to the borrower with the replacement cost for each lost item at 7-21 days overdue, depending on the duration of each item’s loan period.
Bills for lost books must be paid at the Library’s Circulation Desk either by check or in cash. Refunds are not given for lost items which have been paid for and subsequently found. All library privileges are suspended until due balances are paid or the item is returned.
Note the following situations specific to lost items:
- If a lost item is returned to the library after a replacement cost is sent to the WWU Business Office, and if a replacement copy has not yet been acquired by the library, the returned item may be accepted at the discretion of the library staff. If accepted by the library staff, the replacement cost will be removed from the borrower’s WWU account but an overdue fine may still apply.
- If a lost item is returned to the library after a replacement cost is sent to the WWU Business Office and after a replacement copy is purchased, the item will not be accepted and the delinquent account must be settled with the Business Office. In this case, patrons may typically keep the paid item.
- Library borrowing privileges remain suspended until fees for lost or overdue items are paid.
Fees for Lost Items
- Items from WWU: Replacement cost or replacement item (determined by library staff)
- Items from other MOBIUS libraries: Replacement cost (determined by lending library) plus $25 fee
- Items from OCLC libraries (ILL): Determined by lending library
- Equipment or Reserves from WWU: Replacement cost (determined by library staff) plus $10 fee
Damaged Items
Patrons who return items to the library in a damaged condition will be billed for repair of the item, if it can be repaired, or the actual replacement cost if the item cannot be repaired. The decision as to whether an item should be repaired or replaced rests with the library staff.
Delinquent Accounts and Theft
Delinquent Accounts
A week before the end of each semester, the Library sends all unpaid library fines and fees for lost items to the WWU Business Office, which are then added to each delinquent borrower’s WWU account. Students are not allowed to graduate or receive a transcript until their WWU account, including library fines and fees for lost items, is paid in full.
Theft of Library Materials
It is a felony or misdemeanor, depending on the value of the materials, to remove library materials without checking them out or to borrow library materials with another person's ID card without their knowledge; see Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, section 570.210. Punishment for theft of library materials will be determined by the Dean of Students and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Equipment Loan Policy
Dulany Library provides a variety of equipment for loan to William Woods University faculty, staff, and students. This policy outlines the types of equipment available for use and the terms of such use.
The intention of the Library in providing equipment for loan is to meet the occasional need of WWU faculty, staff, and students. Library equipment is not intended for long-term use. When regular or long-term use of an equipment item is required, a faculty/staff member or student should consider acquiring the item from an office, departmental, or personal budget, depending on the use of the item, rather than continue to use Library equipment. In general, use of a piece of Library equipment more than seven times a semester is considered regular or long-term use.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to sign a "Conditions of Use" form when borrowing equipment from the Library. By signing this form, users acknowledge responsibility for paying for the repair or replacement of damaged or lost equipment, as well as paying late fees for equipment that is overdue.
Equipment is only available for loan to WWU faculty, staff, and students.
Reservations may be made for equipment by calling the Library Circulation Desk at 573-592-4289. Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis. Restrictions may be applied to reservations based on number of items requested, number of items available, and high-demand occasions.
Equipment Loan Periods
The following equipment is available for loan with specific loan periods given for each type of equipment.
- Laptop Computer: 7 days
- Tablet: 7 days
- Calculator: Semester
- Projector, LCD Portable: 24 hours
- Projector Screen: 24 hours
Collection Development Policy
This collection development policy is a statement of the principles and guidelines used by Dulany Library in the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and maintenance of library materials. It is intended to ensure consistency of practice among those responsible for developing the library collection, and to communicate the library’s policies to faculty, students, staff, and other interested persons.
Purposes and Goals of Collection Development
The development and maintenance of the library’s collection is one of the primary goals of the library’s mission. Collection development includes all aspects of the process that culminates in the acquisition of informational materials, including the formulation of policies and procedures that guide the selection process, the evaluation of the existing collection, and the allocation of funds for acquisition. In addition, collection development includes the care and preservation of materials in the collection, as well as the process whereby materials are withdrawn from the collection.
The goal of Dulany Library’s collection development efforts is to build a collection that supports the needs of the undergraduate and graduate programs at William Woods University and responds to the research needs of its faculty. At the same time, recognizing that no academic library can supply on-site resources that satisfy all the needs of its users, Dulany Library strives to fulfill its goal in part through the provision of access services, including the availability of electronic resources, on-demand document delivery and interlibrary loan services.
The American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement and the Library Bill of Rights are recognized as upholding the doctrine of freedom of speech and of the press. As part of its philosophy of collection development, Dulany Library supports the following statements from the American Library Association:
Students in all programs at William Woods University along with faculty and staff are the primary users of the library’s resources and services. Secondarily, the library serves persons who attend the other higher education institutions who are members of MOBIUS. Library materials are also loaned to other library patrons through their home libraries around the world using OCLC Interlibrary Loan/WorldCat.
The Allocation of Library Materials Funds
The materials budget is allocated by format (e.g., periodicals, standing orders, electronic resources, monographs, etc.) and by collection (e.g., Reference). Monographic materials (books, videos, and other items not acquired on a subscription basis) are acquired based on collection strengths/weaknesses, curricular needs, and faculty requests, rather than allocations to academic divisions based on a formula. The MOBIUS database is checked prior to the acquisition of monographic materials to determine if another MOBIUS library already owns an item. Depending on WWU curricular needs, Dulany Library may still acquire an item even if another MOBIUS library already owns it.
Requests for adjustments to funding are made in response to the creation and alteration of programs, changes in departmental size or structure, changes in the number of students, including the number of students majoring in a discipline, and other factors affecting the need for library support.
When funding is insufficient to maintain current levels of support for materials, the Library will take measures to reduce expenditures. Reductions will ordinarily be achieved by across-the-board, percentage cuts in allocations for books, periodicals and standing orders. In the case of books, the annual allocation is simply reduced by the necessary percentage. For periodical and standing orders, academic divisions may be asked to achieve the required savings through a careful choice of titles to be canceled, selecting those the loss of which will, in their judgment, cause the least harm to curricular and research support in their subject areas.
Selection of Library Materials
Selection of materials is a process affected by the changing curriculum as well as the availability of new materials. Since the library acquires materials of various levels to serve the varying abilities of students, books on advanced or specialized subjects may be purchased in limited amounts if the coursework warrants.
Each type of material is considered in terms of its own value and the audience for whom it is intended. There is no single standard that can be applied in all cases when making an acquisition decision. Materials may be purchased for their support of a particular course or may be considered because they meet special needs.
Selection Objectives
The following are objectives for the library in the selection of materials:
- Responsiveness to evolving technology and changing instructional needs
- Acquisition of or access to materials of varying levels of sophistication and types of media to best serve the wide-ranging interest and abilities of the students
- Acquisition of or access to materials on opposing sides of controversial issues so that students may develop the practice of critical reading and thinking
- Acquisition of or access to materials that enhance respect for the understanding of cultural, racial, religious and other differences among people
- Access to library materials for students with disabilities
- Access to other libraries’ resources through effective participation in local, regional, state, and national networks.
General Guidelines for Selecting Materials
Dulany Library supports the statements on collection development contained within the latest versions of Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Because accrediting agencies often use these standards to evaluate library collections, it is important that the library seeks to abide by them.
Intellectual Freedom and Censorship
Dulany Library recognizes that free access to ideas and full freedom of expression are fundamental to the educational process. Accordingly, the library purchases materials that represent a wide variety of viewpoints. In so doing, the library subscribes to and complies with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and its accompanying statements of interpretation. The library does not withdraw or add, at the request of any individual or group, material that has been chosen for, or excluded from, the collection on the basis of stated selection criteria. For more information, see the Library’s Challenges to Library Materials Policy and Procedure.
General Criteria for Selection of Materials
- Present and potential relevance to instructional needs
- Faculty request and guidance
- Timeliness and lasting value of material
- Reputation of the author, issuing body, and/or publisher
- Author’s purpose, professional competence, and writing skill
- Reviews in reputable sources
- Relation to other material in the collection and to other material available on the subject
- Literary, artistic, or social value
- Special features: detailed, logical, accurate index; bibliography; footnotes; pictorial representations
- Physical and technical quality: paper, typography, and design; physical size; binding; durability; interface with user (electronic titles)
- Suitability of content and style
- Demand, frequency of interlibrary loan requests for material on the same or similar subject
- Price/relative cost of material in relation to the budget and other available material
- Availability in other MOBIUS libraries
Gifts to the library are encouraged. However, gifts will be added to the collection only after the items have been evaluated to determine if they meet collection development guidelines. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of William Woods University upon receipt, and that the Library will make all necessary decisions as to their retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to their use and disposition. Materials which prove not to be needed in the Library may be exchanged with other libraries, or otherwise used for the University's benefit and goodwill, in accordance with established procedures.
The library accepts books, journals, media items and cash as gifts. Donors should contact the Library Director if they have materials they wish to donate or if they have any questions about the appropriateness of their gifts. All gifts are reported to University Advancement; any cash gifts are sent directly to University Advancement for deposit in one of the Library’s endowment accounts. All gifts will be acknowledged with a letter from the University that indicates the number of volumes/issues/monetary amount given. A donor must contact a professional book appraiser if they want an appraisal of the donated material as the Library staff cannot provide this service.
Donors may not request that items not needed be returned to them. The Library does not pick up gift materials; donors must deliver the materials or arrange delivery. The Library is not obligated to accept intended gift materials, such as if the materials are damaged, are noncompliant with copyright law, or are inappropriate for the collection.
Collection Maintenance
The collection is developed systematically to provide well-rounded coverage within budget constraints. The collection is continually reevaluated in relation to changing program content, new instruction methods and other needs.
Collection Inventory
Collection inventory and accompanying evaluation are ongoing.
Location of Materials
Information resources purchased with institutional, grant, or gift funds become part of the library’s collection. The location of these resources is, for the most part, determined by the library staff. The conditions under which electronic resources are accessible is determined by licensing agreements. Whenever possible, the Library provides access to all students and staff, regardless of their geographical location.
Deselection of library materials (the process of removing items from the collection) is essential for the maintenance of an active, academically useful library collection. Deselection provides quality control for the collection by the elimination of outdated, inaccurate, and physically deteriorated materials. Librarians are responsible for conducting an ongoing deselection with the advice of the faculty.
General Guidelines
- Superseded editions are subject to deselection. Reasons for retention of superseded editions include the continuing relevance of their content and the desirability of having circulating copies of certain titles the current editions of which are not circulated.
- Materials which cannot be repaired or rebound or for which the cost of preservation exceeds the usefulness of the information contained are deselected.
- Because currency of information is extremely important in some fields, such as the sciences, technology, and business, older materials are subject to deselection so that outdated or inaccurate information may be removed from the collection. However, some materials, though outdated in content, may have significant historical value and will be retained.
- Materials whose content is duplicated in other works may be deselected.
Considerations for Serials
- Titles previously acquired in hard copy, for which a full-text electronic version is currently available, may be discontinued, depending on the use and relevance of the title to the current curriculum. The hard copy may be withdrawn or retained and relocated with other print titles no longer currently received.
- Incomplete and short runs of a title may be withdrawn, particularly when the title is not received currently.
- Titles that contain information that does not have long-term value, such as newsletters and trade magazines, usually have automatic discard schedules, such as “latest two years only retained.”
- Annuals, biennials, and regularly updated editions of guidebooks, handbooks, almanacs, and directories have a deselection pattern established depending on the value of the information contained in earlier editions. Occasionally, an older edition may be retained in the reference and/or circulating collection.
- Duplicate issues of periodicals and journals are discarded when a volume is bound.
Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration
- All library staff are responsible for bringing physically damaged materials to the attention of the Access Services Coordinator who will mark the item in the ILS as held for Bindery.
- Damaged materials judged to be beyond the ability of in-house staff to repair, but worth retaining in the collection, will be rebound commercially.
- In general, most periodicals and journals are bound on a regular basis. Titles will not be bound if only the current two to three years are retained. The number of issues bound together is determined on a title-by-title basis depending on the size and number of issues per volume or year. Incomplete volumes or years are bound only after being reviewed.
Replacement of Library Materials
Librarians are responsible for making decisions regarding the replacement of books that are lost, missing, or damaged beyond repair or rebinding. The Access Services Coordinator is responsible for bringing such materials to the attention of the librarians. Criteria for making replacement decisions are as follows:
- Does the material being replaced meet the general library collection policy?
- Does the frequency of anticipated use justify replacement?
- Is the item used for class reserve reading or is it on a faculty recommended reading list?
The Circulation Clerk or Library Specialist will identify damaged or missing serials and will take steps to replace these materials. The following serial items will not be replaced:
- Newspapers and newsletters
- Titles that are not held permanently
- Titles available in electronic form
Since back issues may be expensive, the decision to replace will be guided by the following considerations:
- Does the material being replaced meet the general library collection policy?
- Is the periodical readily available elsewhere, through duplicate exchange or in electronic form?
- Does the information in the particular issue have lasting value?
Evaluation of the Collection
Academic program reviews are required periodically for each major and minor course of study at WWU. Each program review requires a corresponding analysis of the library’s holdings. In order to provide a useful analysis, Dulany Library subscribes to a product from OCLC, called WorldShare Collection Evaluation. The library collection analysis for each academic program review is submitted to the appropriate academic department/Dean. Through the use of WorldShare Collection Evaluation, benchmarks have been established for library holdings supporting each academic program with analysis by material type and date of publication.
Records Confidentiality Policy
This policy specifically recognizes that all circulation records of Dulany Library, William Woods University, to be confidential in nature.
All librarians and library employees, including student workers, are not to release any information regarding library users, including name, address, or other personal information to anyone other than library employees.
All librarians and library employees, including student workers, are not to reveal to anyone the name of the person who has a specific library item checked out under his/her name, nor are they to reveal what library items a specific person has checked out under his/her name.
All requests for access to library records or requests for specific information covered under this policy are to be immediately submitted to the Library Director.
No library records shall be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
It is the policy of this library that the library shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Copyright Law Compliance
Notice: Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.
Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use", that use may be liable for copyright infringement.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order, if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
Challenges to Library Materials
Dulany Library acquires information resources based on the criteria established in its Collection Development Policy and recognizes that free access to ideas and full freedom of expression are fundamental to the educational process. Accordingly, the library acquires materials that represent a wide variety of viewpoints. In so doing, the library subscribes to and complies with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and statements on Academic Freedom and the Freedom to Read. The library does not withdraw or add, at the request of any individual or group, material that has been chosen for, or excluded from, the collection on the basis of stated selection criteria.
Should an individual or group wish to challenge the inclusion of a specific work from the William Woods University Library’s collections, the following information must be provided. Incomplete or anonymous forms will not be accepted. Each recommendation will be reviewed by the University’s Academic Council and notification of the Council’s decision will be provided in writing within 30 days of the request. Any questions should be directed to the Library Director.
Statement of Harmful Language in Catalog Records
Records May Contain Harmful Language
While Library staff strive to use inclusive language to describe library materials, you may encounter harmful language in our catalog. You may find examples of such language in book titles, subtitles, or other information transcribed directly from library materials. In these instances, harmful words are not censored because this content provides historical context for understanding the era, attitudes, and opinions of their creators.
You may also find harmful language because our records have been created over many decades. Older records may contain language that was acceptable historically to some people with the power to set norms, but is recognized widely as offensive today.